Surf the Ocean of Life

Phoenix Dynamics
doelgroep korting

Surf the Ocean of Life
A creative and esoteric journey

Esoteric knowledge of the struggle of life, universal laws and the human design offer important keys to become able to ‘surf the ocean of life’.

Discover hidden knowledge to navigate towards a chosen destination. You are very welcome to visit one, two or all three afternoons in the art studio of our school for spiritual growth and human development. With practical examples in art, you may find new inspiration for your life and your inner development journey.

23 March – The eagle & the snake
A powerful symbol for our life’s inner struggle

6 April – The human is made in the image of creation
Discover universal laws in our human design

13 April – Signposts of the human quest
Symbols, colours and numbers to navigate our inner journey

Saturdays 14:00 - 16:15h
Art studio ‘The Forge’ in Wapenveld (near Zwolle)

Price per afternoon € 30 / students € 15
Please subscribe in advance via our website

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