A 4-day Retreat with Pir Elias Amidon
Human Being - Embodying Spirit
An Open Path Retreat with Pir Elias Amidon
How wonderful to be a human being! Our two-part name, human being, says it all: we are invested with being-ness and human-ness at the same time! “Being” signifies our spirit — our nature as pure, open awareness and our intimate belonging with the source of existence itself. “Human” is our embodied nature — being these extraordinary social and sensual animals that we are, born of the earth. Human Beings.
Our name points as well to the essential question we face as individuals and as a species: how to unite these two qualities of our nature so that we may simultaneously live fully awakened and fully embodied lives. This retreat is dedicated to deepening our capacity to become whole in this way, to embody spirit — in our relationships, love, work, play, aging, dying, and all that being human means.
To help us during the retreat we will turn to many of the practices of the Open Path:
Guided meditations
The self-liberation of thought
Freeing ourselves from fear and judgment
The Practice of Living Presence
The Welcoming Practice
Nirtan (the dance of the soul)
Musical meditations
Periods of silence both still and moving
And unstructured play
We hope you will join us for this intimate and nourishing exploration together!
Inschrijven/reserveren accomodatie
Schrijf je ruim van tevoren in; zie de website sufiway.nl. Wellicht nog dringender: reserveer een plaats voor de nacht; het is rond deze tijd al erg druk in Katwijk!
Aankomst en vertrek
Het programma begint op 13 mei stipt om 17u; zorg dat je ruim vantevoren aanwezig bent om je te kunnen laten registreren.
Het programma eindigt zaterdag 17 mei met een gezamenlijke lunch.